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GSO Test

Parent Forum - 1st December

Parent Forum Tuesday 1st December 2015


Review of minutes from last meeting

Defibrillators – Nicky explained to parents again what a defibrillator was and its potential benefits for the School and local community.  Parent’s considered the possibility of the defibrillator being funded by money raised by each parent in the School donating a £1. The School was still waiting for a response from relevant professionals.

Christmas Fair – several parents volunteered to wrap up presents for the grotto – wrapping to take place Parent’s Room Tuesday 8th December 1.30pm.

Parent’s that had put their names down for stalls asked if they could be contacted as soon as possible so they could prepare.

Lunchtimes – Parents asked about lunchtimes as they felt at times the older children go in last for lunch and there not being enough food left. A few parents suggested a ‘Parent’s School Dinner Day’ so they could experience what their children ate.


New groups/sessions –  ESOL level 1 in 2016                                                                             

Parent Gym (6 WK Parenting course ) and HELP (10 week women’s support group) will re-commence in 2016.

Parent’s were enquiring about the possibility of having ‘Fit for Fun’ again at School as it was very enjoyable.

Foodbank – discussion was raised about the need for the Foodbank in the area, many families in B & B’s, hostels, NRPF not having enough food.  The School next week will be taking in donations of non-perishable foods to give to the local Foodbank.

Hygiene/ School Readiness – Parent’s said a few of their children have occasionally wet themselves at School, one parent knows it’s because her son in Year 6 is busy playing football he doesn’t go to the toilet, others mentioned their child’s urine infections and the need to go toilet on time.  It was pointed out all relevant medical issues should be made aware to their child’s Teacher.


Toilet Training workshops will be run for Nursery Children and Reception Children next year.  Parents talked about preparing a ‘Ready For School Checklist’ given to each Nursery/Reception family.

Homework - Parents said how they really enjoyed the concerts being held and know how they support their child’s confidence and social development, however a couple were concerned that pupils did not receive homework during this period and that children missed Maths and English class lessons. Parent Melanie who has a Child in Year 6 wanted to point out that she was happy with the amount of homework her child gets.

 Parents were assured that the concerts supported the child’s academic development as well as social development and that during rehearsals for concerts pupils continue to follow the national curriculum and are still taught lessons in class, including Maths and English. Children benefited greatly from the concerts and only took part in a concert once a year.  This term concerts were Eid YR 5’s, Diwali YR 3’s and Christmas will be YR 1’s, Nativity will be Reception classes.     

Sick Children -  Parent’s asked when a child is unwell what was the protocol? Do First Aid Staff only check the child’s temperature?  Parents were assured that First Aid staff were extremely sympathetic and supportive when children were unwell and all relevant checks and First Aid given.

Traffic – Parents said that the traffic situation was much better, the presence of the Traffic Warden helped.

Extra Curricular Activities – Parent Shazia talked about LAMDA – Training and qualification in communication and performance and wanted to know how many parents were interested so she could approach the School to find out if it could be held on School premises.

Next meeting to be re-scheduled – meeting for January 2016 has been cancelled.