Attendance & Absences
To ensure that our pupils are setting themselves up for a better future Christchurch Primary School has a strict absence policy in place. It is important that your child has a good school attendance record. If they miss school on a regular basis the Local Authority may consider taking legal action against you and you may lose your child’s school place.
The London Borough of Redbridge enforces a strict attendance policy. In accordance with Government guidelines, leave of absence during term time will not be granted except in the most exceptional circumstances. Requests for leave must be made in writing to the Headteacher prior to any absences being taken. Permission cannot be granted after the leave has been taken.
Absences immediately before or after a school holiday
If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.
Persistant Lateness
If your child is persistently late the school can ask the Local Authority to implement a penalty notice.
A maximum of seven late attendances during any one half term could generate a penalty notice being implemented.
When is it ok for your child to stay away from school?
If your child is unwell and unable to attend please inform the school in the morning and leave a message explaining why they will be absent from school. You can contact us by phone (leave a message on voicemail system or speak to us), email or via parenthub. For absences of 5 days or more medical evidence will be required.
Medical Appointments
When possible please try to arrange these out of school hours, at weekends or during school holidays. Naturally, there will be times when this isn’t possible but you must try to give as much advance warning as possible and bring the appointment card or letter into the school office.
Religious Festivals
Please ask the school in advance for permission to take time off for religious reasons. A maximum of three days will be considered for religious observance only in one academic year.
For more information regarding this subject please see the borough's website, or refer to our school booklet.
Children who become unwell during the day are looked after by a qualified first aider, until they have recovered sufficiently to return to their classes or are collected by parents. All accidents are reported to the school office. Minor cuts and bruises we can deal with. For any injury of a more serious nature, or if your child is unwell, we will try to reach you by telephone, or use your emergency number.
It is very important, therefore, that our list of telephone numbers, parent’s work numbers and other emergency contact numbers are kept up to date. Please note also that children are not allowed to travel home alone during school hours - they must be collected from the school office.
If your child is unwell please ensure that you follow all guidance and advice.
See below for some helpful guidance:
Is my child to ill for school? (NHS Guidelines)
Staying In
Please note when a pupil is absent from school due to illness they will be unable to attend school events or extra-curricular activities.
We are sometimes asked to keep children ‘in’ at playtime, when they return after some illness. Children are not allowed to remain in the classroom unsupervised, and should come to the office. You will understand if we ask you not to abuse the privilege - if your child is to be kept in for more than one day, should he/she be at school?
Late Collection
Pupils should be collected from the playground at the end of the school day. You must notify the school office immediately if you are running late. Any pupils that are not collected from the playground will be taken to the late room at 3.30pm. Pupils that arrive in the room will be entered onto a register by a member of staff. If your child has not been collected by 3.45pm they will be put into the After-School Club. Parents will be contacted to inform them that their child is in club and they will be required to pay the club fee.
Finishing times for pupils in KS1 is 3.15pm and KS2 is 3.20pm.
Reducing Pupil Absence in Primary Schools
Please click here to read the Borough's advice regarding pupil absence.
Please click here to read the school's policy on attendance